Jayson DeMers

Jayson DeMers


About Jayson DeMers

Jayson DeMers is the founder and CEO of EmailAnalytics, a productivity tool that connects to your Gmail or G Suite accounts.

Jayson DeMers's latest articles

Customer experience

4 Ways To Use Google+ Hangouts To Ramp Up Your Content Marketing Initiative

Many businesses have already realized the value of Google+ in their marketing efforts, especially since it’s owned by the world’s most popular search engine company. As part of the Google+ platform, users have access to Google+ Hangouts, which enables videoconferencing capabilities for up to ten people. Google+ seeks to create a social media community where […]

Performance marketing

5 Killer Marketing Strategies Your Competition Isn’t Using…Yet

Small business owners don’t typically have the time or resources to design and execute cutting-edge marketing strategies; that’s the way of the marketing world. Big corporations like Coke and Microsoft test out new ideas in big ways, and then smaller companies adopt the new strategies that proved worthwhile. Because of this “trickle down” marketing process, […]

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