Arnie Kuenn

Arnie Kuenn


About Arnie Kuenn

Arnie Kuenn is the CEO of Vertical Measures, a content marketing agency with an SEO foundation, focused on helping their clients get more traffic, more leads, and more business. Arnie has held executive positions in the world of new technologies and marketing for more than 25 years. He is a frequent speaker and author of Content Marketing Works. In 2014, Arnie was honored as the Interactive Person of the Year in Arizona.

Arnie Kuenn's latest articles

Customer experience

The 8 Most Common Content Optimization Mistakes We Saw In 2014

As content marketing involves influencing customer purchase decisions through content creation and distribution, most marketers understand the necessity for compelling content. However, many often forget about the impact SEO can have on content marketing success. In addition to publishing high-quality, helpful content, your content and website must be well optimized in order to be found […]

Customer experience

Stop Wasting Time & Money On Your Content Marketing

There are many misconceptions about how companies are “supposed” to implement content marketing. And in a perfect world, with a hefty marketing budget and infinite resources, all of us would execute content marketing the “right” way. Unfortunately, that often isn’t the case. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be. Truthfully, there are many unglamorous (and usually not […]

Customer experience

An Interview With Joe Pulizzi On Content Marketing

Content marketing as a strategy has gained lots of steam over the past few years, though it isn’t exactly a new concept. But long before content marketing became an everyday term among marketers, Joe Pulizzi knew its importance. Seven years ago, he founded what is now Content Marketing Institute, a website dedicated to all things […]

Customer experience

How Long Should Your Content Be? What Works On Blogs, Facebook & More

Ideal content length is something with which B2B and B2C marketers across industries constantly struggle. Unfortunately, the most common answer to content-length questions is the often-dreaded, extremely-ambiguous response that is the reply to many of marketing’s toughest questions: “It depends.” And though ideal content length really does hinge on a variety of factors including industry […]

Customer experience

Top Tips For Optimizing Your Content: 9 Experts Weigh In

As 58 percent of B2B marketers plan to increase their content marketing spend over the next 12 months, the amount of content created and published will continue to grow. With that, content optimization is becoming increasingly important, as even great content can’t produce results if your audience doesn’t find it. However, many publishers struggle with […]

Customer experience

LinkedIn Releases Content Shock And Awe

With the rise of content marketing and the amount of content published daily always increasing, some marketers predict that eventually, the content bubble will burst. This notion, referred to as content shock, assumes that someday, there will simply be too much content to consume. I personally disagree with this sentiment for a number of reasons. […]

Customer experience

Pros & Cons Of Date Stamping Your Content

As content marketing continually increases in popularity, more and more content is being published each and every day. In fact, more than two million blog posts are written daily. With all that content being published, date stamping is an easy way for users to gauge the newness and relevancy of a blog post or article. […]

Customer experience

It’s 2014 — Is Your Content Mobile Ready?

Mobile traffic has been growing steadily over the past five years, but increased more than 50 percent in the last 12 months. In fact, global tablet and smartphone traffic grew to 20 percent of all internet traffic in December 2013. Considering this 1-in-5 milestone, you cannot afford to ignore mobile users in 2014. It is […]

Customer experience

Using Google Analytics To Measure Content Marketing

When it comes to developing content marketing strategies, the plans created and tactics used are only as good as the results produced. You can design beautiful infographics, create useful guides and publish blog post after blog post — but if your content strategy doesn’t achieve the identified goal, what is that content worth? Not much. […]

Customer experience

How To Generate B2B Leads With Content Marketing

In B2B business, leads are generally a company’s livelihood. Unlike B2C purchases, most B2B products and services require thought, research and deliberation prior to a buying decision. As a result, generating quality leads is a key function of B2B marketing teams across industries. Though there are a number of strategies businesses can employ to garner […]

Customer experience

How A Boston Appliance Store Grew Business Through Content Marketing

Small businesses across all industries are benefiting from successful content marketing strategies every day. These businesses are using content to educate, entertain and humor audiences across marketing channels, increasing ROI in the process. Small businesses with successful content marketing plans are proving that you don’t need a big budget to build meaningful relationships with customers […]

Performance marketing

Top 60+ Content Marketing Education Resources

Content marketing is more popular than ever with 91 percent of B2B marketers and 86 percent of B2C marketers employing content marketing initiatives this year. As the number of businesses embracing content marketing grows, more resources become available. The following educational resources — from blogs and videos to training, events and more — can help […]

Customer experience

4 Ways To Create Successful Social Media Content

When developing a content marketing strategy, one of the most crucial aspects of the plan is often social media marketing. When content is created, it is usually produced with hopes of being shared across the Web, not only through internal marketing campaigns, but also organically on social media networks. It isn’t always as easy as […]

Performance marketing

Is John Deere The Original Content Marketer?

Though the approach of using content in marketing initiatives has become more prevalent over the past couple of years, businesses have been employing content marketing strategies since the 1800s. Today, marketers use online content to educate and entertain their audiences in order to drive traffic, conversions and/or leads. Similarly, more than 100 years ago, companies […]

Customer experience

Conducting Data-Driven Content Marketing

Since it’s routine to measure return-on-investment (ROI) for online marketing campaigns, marketers are regularly looking at specific metrics and evaluating success based on campaign goals. Through this regular measurement, data is gathered that can be used to craft future content marketing endeavors that are truly aligned with audience needs. However, many marketers aren’t using this data […]

Performance marketing

Content Curation Tools & Concepts

Social media and content distribution are often chief tactics included in a content marketing strategy; but, it’s not possible (or recommended) to share your own content 100 percent of the time. As a result, having a content curation and/or aggregation plan might be something to consider as a part of your long-term content marketing strategy. […]

Performance marketing

How Do I Get Started With Content Marketing?

Utilizing content marketing as part of a digital marketing strategy can prove to be beneficial for businesses and brands if these strategies are well executed. However, many marketers unfamiliar with content marketing don’t know where to begin to develop a successful plan.  They understand the concept, but still don’t know how to get started. In […]

Customer experience

What Makes A Great Infographic? 8 Experts Weigh In

As you may have noticed, using infographics for content marketing is an incredibly popular tactic right now. Infographics are being used to illustrate a range of different information, including new employee announcement, data visualization, humor and education. However, with the widespread use of infographics in marketing increasing every day, there is growing concern about maintaining […]

Customer experience

How To Get Website Content From Your Fans

The relentless need to continuously create new content pains marketers across all verticals. In fact, 20 percent of B2B companies cited “producing enough content” as their greatest marketing challenge. Fortunately, marketing teams can offset content creation demands through user-generated content. There are many ways to collect content for your website from your fans, followers, clients, […]

Customer experience

Content Marketing On A Limited Budget

Content marketing is used by businesses of all sizes and in all industries. In some cases, businesses have large marketing budgets and are able to put hundreds of thousands of dollars towards content marketing initiatives. That’s certainly not always the case, however. One of the questions I am often asked is: “What kind of content […]

Customer experience

8 Storytelling Tips To Enhance Your Content Marketing

Storytelling has been around long before recorded history, but the way stories are told has changed dramatically throughout the course of time. We’ve evolved from painting the walls of caves to the written word, to plays and movies, to the present ability to tell stories online in the form of videos, blog posts and on […]

Customer experience

5 Types Of Content You Probably Aren’t Creating But Should

Content marketing can be a very successful marketing tactic when done correctly, and more and more companies are employing it every day. There are many different types of content that can be used in content marketing campaigns, but sometimes, businesses struggle to create content that sticks with customers and search engines. When creating content pieces […]

Customer experience

How To Develop Your Editorial Content Calendar

Content marketing is becoming an increasingly popular tactic in digital marketing strategies across all industries. Businesses are coming to terms with thinking and acting like publishers by providing audiences with quality content on a regular basis. Typically, content marketing projects have lots of moving parts that come together at different times to form a cohesive […]

Customer experience

12 Content Research Tools You Should Be Using

When it comes to content marketing research, there are a lot of tools at your disposal — so many that it can be overwhelming. From keyword tools and question-and-answer sites to open discussion forums and backlink analyzers, there are tools designed to help you with every step of your content marketing research. But don’t let […]

Customer experience

Creating A Content Marketing Strategy For Your Website

Content marketing is becoming an increasingly significant element of online marketing strategies. We’re all familiar with the saying “content is king.” But now, where we post and share our content is secondary only to the quality of the content we create. Though it may seem like a straightforward concept (create great content and share it), […]

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