Annie Cushing

Annie Cushing


About Annie Cushing

Annie Cushing is an SEO and analytics consultant. Her areas of expertise are analytics, technical SEO, and everything to do with data — collection, analysis, and beautification. She’s on a mission to rid the world of ugly data, one spreadsheet at a time. If you just can’t get enough data visualization tips, you can check out her blog,

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Annie Cushing's latest articles

Marketing technology

Comprehensive Guide To Creating Branded Templates In Excel

Wrapping up my series on dashboards, I want to address an issue I see in just about every spreadsheet I’ve seen in my career as a marketer: using Excel’s (hideous) default formatting for visualizations. You’ve seen them … the blue and red charts are particularly unforgivable. Worst of all, sticking with Excel’s default formatted table […]

Marketing technology

How To Create Interactive Charts In Excel

Continuing with my dashboard series that began on Search Engine Land and continued over to Marketing Land when the entire analytics column migrated to Marketing Land, this post is going to talk interactive charts. When you’re creating a dashboard, real estate is minimal, so you find ways to consolidate your data and allow the dashboard […]

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