Twitter Ups The Ante On Impression Metrics, Tests Showing “Views” In Tweets

Twitter is bringing more metrics to the people, experimenting with showing users how many times their tweets have been viewed. This test — another potential tweak to provide positive feedback and encourage more use of Twitter —  was spotted on a users’ iOS Twitter app and reported late today by Casey Newton in The Verge. […]

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Twitter is bringing more metrics to the people, experimenting with showing users how many times their tweets have been viewed.

This test — another potential tweak to provide positive feedback and encourage more use of Twitter —  was spotted on a users’ iOS Twitter app and reported late today by Casey Newton in The Verge.


Twitter has long provided analytics to advertisers and selected users about how well tweets performed  but those metrics focused heavily on retweets, favorites and replies. If rolled out to all users, this would move Twitter closer to Facebook Pages in the effort to show how many people you are reaching with a social post.

It falls in line with Twitter’s efforts to quantify the reach of tweets. After the Oscars, it noted that tweets about the award show in the 12 hours during and after the telecast received 3.3 billion impressions worldwide.

Who wouldn’t want to know how many of those views he or she was responsible for?

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About the author

Martin Beck
Martin Beck was Third Door Media's Social Media Reporter from March 2014 through December 2015.

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