New From Visually: Turn Your Google Analytics Data As An Infographic

Wouldn’t it be great to get weekly website performance updates as a simple, easy-to-read graphic? Now you can go beyond the Google Analytics dashboard with a new creative  – and free – tool by The New Google Analytics Report tool automatically delivers an infographic depicting your favorite metrics right to your desktop. Below is a […]

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Wouldn’t it be great to get weekly website performance updates as a simple, easy-to-read graphic? Now you can go beyond the Google Analytics dashboard with a new creative  – and free – tool by

The New Google Analytics Report tool automatically delivers an infographic depicting your favorite metrics right to your desktop. Below is a sample of a full infographic that is generated. Google Analytics Inforgraphic Sample

To be clear, this report isn’t meant to replace regular analytics dashboards, nor does it report beyond page views, visitors, time on site, organic traffic and social traffic. You also may be tracking your social traffic using campaign tagging, in which it would not appear as social referral traffic in this report. However, it does provide an appealing representation of website activity on a weekly basis, without needing to log into Google Analytics.

How would you use a report like this? Share your ideas in the comment below.

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About the author

Monica Wright
Monica Wright served as Vice President of Audience Engagement for Marketing Land and Search Engine Land. With over 15 years of experience in online publishing, content marketing and audience development for media companies, she is focused on content consumption and measuring user engagement on both sites across multiple platforms including desktop, mobile, social and email. In addition, she serves as a program coordinator for the SMX conference series, produced by parent company Third Door Media, publisher of Marketing Land and Search Engine Land.

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