MarTech Intelligence Reports: FAQ for Vendors

If you’re on this page, a researcher from Third Door Media‘s Content Studio has likely requested that you provide the latest information about your company so we can write a profile for an upcoming MarTech Intelligence Report (MIR).

This page answers questions likely on vendors’ minds when they receive an email seeking information. If there’s anything we haven’t covered here, please email [email protected].

Third Door Media brands reach 1MM+ digital marketing professionals with up-to-the-minute insights on digital marketing and rapidly evolving technologies each month. Third Door Media, Inc. publishes MarTech and Search Engine Land and runs the MarTech spring and fall and the Search Marketing Expo (SMX) Advanced and Next digital conferences.

Our MarTech Intelligence Reports are comprehensive first-party research reports that identify leading platforms, outline essential capabilities, analyze trends driving adoption, and provide detailed coverage of product features and benefits for the marketer.


Reach a targeted audience of marketing professionals

  • Third Door Media reaches 1MM+ digital marketing professionals each month
  • 85% of Third Door Media’s audience are purchase decision-makers
  • On average, they plan to purchase 9.54 platforms/services in the next 12 months.
  • 52% are with companies with $25MM+ in annual revenue.
  • 1-in-3 spend more than $1MM on media annually.
  • MarTech Intelligence Reports are published on each of our sites, integrated into the site navigation, and optimized for search.
  • Report amplification is extended through our daily newsletters (100K+ subscribers) and social platforms (1.4MM+ fans/followers).

Plan To Purchase Larger

Brand/awareness building

  • These reports are meant to answer marketers’ questions about a particular technology category as they seek to adopt a new element of their stack or replace one they’re currently using.
  • The profiles serve to introduce marketers to a variety of vendors in the category by describing the companies as a whole as well as the characteristics of the software they offer. They aren’t endorsements or a list of leading providers, only a selection.
  • These reports are buyers’ guides. The marketing and martech community rely on them when considering onboarding a new platform/solution. Having your company included in the report elevates your brand/offerings and aligns you with 3rd party trusted editorial.

Positions your platform with other leading platforms for consideration

  • MIR reports and profiles are written in an objective, facts-oriented manner, eschewing adjectives like “leading” or “best-in-class.” Instead, TDM gives marketers detailed information they can use to draw their own conclusions about the software.

No cost to the platform to be profiled

  • Companies are selected and invited to participate based on analysis by our research director. TDM provides its audience with listings of a representative sample of vendors in the space without any cost to the vendor.

Invitation to participate

  • Invitations are sent via email to companies whose platforms we intend to profile in an upcoming MarTech Intelligence Report.
  • The vendors to be invited are determined by Third Door Media’s research director. If you receive a request for your information, this means that your company’s platform has been reviewed, and, based on initial research, selected to be profiled in an upcoming report.
  • Your company may have been profiled in a previous MarTech Intelligence Report on this category, or your company may be a new addition to the report. In any case, we will need you to provide the latest information because we change the contents of the profiles with each update to reflect the evolution of each category.


  • We will ask a series of questions via a questionnaire tailored to the category to be covered in the report. You will receive a link to the questionnaire that has been customized for you. Please treat your replies like an interview with a reporter — they are on the record, other than the trends information at the end of the form.
  • Though we understand that these profiles often require internal information-gathering and approvals, we require that you submit new profile information on a web form. That enables us to be the most efficient and equitable when assembling profiles. (You can save your progress on a form and come back to complete it later, or share the link with a colleague, as demonstrated in this video.)
  • You’re welcome to gather the information into a document for your own purposes, so you can then cut and paste answers into the form, but be sure to keep the word limits in mind so you aren’t surprised or need to cut at the last minute.

Step by step

  • The First Step: We’ll ask you to fill out a form that asks for information about your company and your product. At that time, we’ll give you a deadline by which we must receive the information for you to be included in the report. We’ll also let you know when we expect the report to publish.
  • Second Step: After we receive the information from you, we’ll acknowledge its receipt and ask any questions we may have as we go about writing the profile. This may require some emailing back and forth as we clarify things. We may also need to gather additional information for vendor comparison charts.
  • Third Step: Once the report is complete but before it is published, we’ll send you a link you can use to download an advance version of the report. At this point, we ask that you view the full report and the profile of your company. If you discover any factual errors or typos, let us know so we can make the corrections needed before publication.
  • Fourth Step. Once the report has been published, we will send you an announcement and a link to the landing page. You can share this link on social media or in a post on your own site, but it needs to be attributed to the Third Door Media MarTech Intelligence Report and link to the official landing page.

MIR profiles include:

  • A section on the company itself. This includes a list of top execs (a maximum of 4), a list of clients (6 at most) and a little general info like when the company was founded and the number of employees it has. This typically also includes information about recent funding, acquisitions, mergers, etc.
  • A section on the product being profiled. Here we’re asking about things like the capabilities of the product, how it’s typically used and what kinds of reports you can generate. We also ask about AI and ML use within the software, about collaboration functionally and about third-party integrations. These questions are reevaluated and updated every year to reflect the evolution of the industry.
  • A section about pricing and support. Here we try to give a general picture of the pricing structure. Is it priced by the number of records, seat licenses? What are the elements that go into determining the pricing? We also try to give readers a general sense of the range of what companies pay per month, or annually, to license the product. For support, we look at what’s available — phone support, 24X7, chatbots, dedicated account manager, etc. — as well as integration or ongoing support and training that may be included or obtained for an extra fee.
  • We also ask (on background) for info on the trends they’re seeing in the marketplace. These responses are not included in the profiles directly, but they help inform the market overview and considerations sections. If we want to include some of your observations as a quote in the report, we’ll ask before doing that.

Style and tone

  • Third Door Media abides by AP style guidelines and generally takes a journalistic approach to content. Because of this, profiles will be written in an objective, non-promotional manner. For example, you won’t see trademark symbols when products are mentioned in the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. We use the same style.
  • Third Door Media seeks to convey the detailed information marketers need to make their own decisions, rather than generalizing and using promotional language. As you prepare your answers to the questions we ask, we encourage you to read previous reports to get a sense of our style. To have the greatest degree of control over how your product’s features are described, use the same tone and objective point of view in your answers to our questions.
  • Importantly, the profiles are written from a third-party perspective, which means you shouldn’t refer to “we” or “us” or “our.” Tell us about your products in a non-promotional factual manner.


Have questions about the profile or the reports? Please contact Allison Lofaro, Director of Client Success at Third Door Media, Inc. via [email protected]

Marketing opportunities with Third Door Media

If you are interested in learning more about advertising and lead gen marketing opportunities reaching Third Door Media’s 1MM+ digital marketing professionals, please contact Leslie Bacon, SVP, Marketing Solutions at Third Door Media, Inc. via [email protected].

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