Mark Zuckerberg To Hold Public Q&A With Facebook Users On Nov. 6

What does a town hall meeting for 1.35 billion people look like? Stay tuned. Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced today that he will be taking questions from the full Facebook community for an hour at 2:00 p.m. Pacific on November 6. The event, Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post, is inspired by the […]

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What does a town hall meeting for 1.35 billion people look like? Stay tuned.

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced today that he will be taking questions from the full Facebook community for an hour at 2:00 p.m. Pacific on November 6.

The event, Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post, is inspired by the company’s famous Friday Q&A sessions for all Facebook employees:

It’s an important part of Facebook’s culture. People ask thoughtful questions about why our company is going in certain directions, what I think about things happening in the world, and how we can continue improving our services for everyone. I learn a lot from these Q&As, and the questions people ask help us build better services.

Now I want to extend this tradition to our whole community.

Since that community — Facebook’s 1.35 billion users — represents nearly half of the world’s internet users, managing the conversation could be a challenge. Facebook has set up a Q&A With Mark event page where users can post questions in advance and vote with likes to push their favorites to the top of the queue.

In the first hour after posting, more than 1,500 comments were submitted. It’s like a Reddit AMA on steroids. So far, the questions range from serious — What happened to organic reach?, Why do you force “top stories” on us?, Is U.S. teen use of Facebook dropping?, Why did you force us to install the Messenger app? — to silly — How many instagrams in a kilogram?, Who is your celebrity crush?, Can you call future events like this “Question Mark”?.

It promises to be an interesting event, but marketers looking for answers to their business questions probably shouldn’t expect too much. A better resource is the Facebook for Business hub here.

Here’s Zuckerberg’s full post announcing the event:

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About the author

Martin Beck
Martin Beck was Third Door Media's Social Media Reporter from March 2014 through December 2015.

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