MTV Uses Twitter Hack To Promote BET Experience

Yesterday, it was Burger King. Earlier today it was Jeep. And now it’s MTV. It’s a brand marketer’s nightmare — getting your Twitter account hacked. About a half hour ago, the MTV account tweeted “MMM. THIS BURGER TASTES GOOD!!!!!!!!!! #MTVHACK.” MTV is the third major brand account that has been hijacked this week. The account […]

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Yesterday, it was Burger King. Earlier today it was Jeep. And now it’s MTV. It’s a brand marketer’s nightmare — getting your Twitter account hacked.

About a half hour ago, the MTV account tweeted “MMM. THIS BURGER TASTES GOOD!!!!!!!!!! #MTVHACK.” MTV is the third major brand account that has been hijacked this week.


The account was temporarily branded as the BET Experience, a live music event in Los Angeles. It’s not confirmed if promoters of the event hacked the account. Sine then, the MTV Twitter seems to have been frozen, and the BET Experience branding removed.

Earlier today, the official Twitter Jeep account was taken over with messages that it was sold to Cadillac, and that Jeep employees used drugs. Coincidentally, Jeep’s hacked tweets included the #OpMadCow hashtag, the same used yesterday when the Internet group Anonymous took over Burger King’s Twitter account. Jeep has since deleted all the tweets, and didn’t acknowledge the hacking publicly on Twitter.

Postscript: We fell for it. Well played MTV and BET, well played. You just gave “twitterjack” a whole new meaning.


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About the author

Monica Wright
Monica Wright served as Vice President of Audience Engagement for Marketing Land and Search Engine Land. With over 15 years of experience in online publishing, content marketing and audience development for media companies, she is focused on content consumption and measuring user engagement on both sites across multiple platforms including desktop, mobile, social and email. In addition, she serves as a program coordinator for the SMX conference series, produced by parent company Third Door Media, publisher of Marketing Land and Search Engine Land.

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