Imgur Tool Simplifies The Process Animating Videos Into Gifs

A new tool from media hosting powerhouse Imgur makes the creation of animated GIFs unbelievable easy.

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As animated GIFs continue to captivate on social media, the ability to create is becoming easier. Last month, YouTube demoed an example that it had featuring a native GIF–creator. Not to be outdone, image and video host Imgur, has released a super simple GIF creation tool that works with “hundreds” of video sites.

The implementation of this tool is best-in-class and really couldn’t be any easier for brands. Simply toss in a link (like this classic David Hasselhoff music video), select the time using a visual slider at the bottom of the page, and you can even add text if you’d like.


The output and embed links are featured on the right of the image output for quick sharing — as well as social sharing buttons underneath the video.

The overall output is a .GIFV file that allows for a much higher quality video at a fraction of the size. So social media managers take note and bookmark Imgur’s Video to GIF tool, the ease of use puts it far atop the others in the space.

For more information, see the official Imgur blog post.

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About the author

Greg Finn
Greg Finn is the Director of Marketing for Cypress North, a company that provides world-class social media and search marketing services and web & application development. He has been in the Internet marketing industry for 10+ years and specializes in Digital Marketing. You can also find Greg on Twitter (@gregfinn) or LinkedIn.

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