Good morning: Are you delivering the CX your customers want?

Not all personalized experiences actually deliver value to customers.

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Good morning, Marketers. It’s a beautiful day, let’s play two.

A recent survey found fewer than a third of U.S. consumers like having ads tailored to them. This calls into question one of the basic assumptions for personalization: People like seeing more products they are interested in. This was the case pre-internet. Proof? People really did look forward to the arrival of the new Sears’ catalog.Today, though, click on a search engine and you’ll have all you want.

Most personalized CX doesn’t provide real value to the customer. Here’s one that does: My grocery store lets loyalty-card holders like me use a hand-held scanner when they shop. In addition to letting me checkout faster (the groceries are already bagged, order already totalled), it gives me coupons for things I am purchasing. I am very happy to give them my personal data and let them track my purchases. Win/win, as far as I’m concerned. A good product solves a problem for the buyer. So should a good CX.

Constantine von Hoffman,

Managing Editor 

Quote of the Day. “What have companies done to upskill senior leaders and managers so they’re going back into the office with empathy? Not one single person who re-enters the office in the next three months is the same as the one who left.” – Chantalle Couba on what companies need to do to improve returning to the office.


About the author

Constantine von Hoffman
Constantine von Hoffman is managing editor of MarTech. A veteran journalist, Con has covered business, finance, marketing and tech for, Brandweek, CMO, and Inc. He has been city editor of the Boston Herald, news producer at NPR, and has written for Harvard Business Review, Boston Magazine, Sierra, and many other publications. He has also been a professional stand-up comedian, given talks at anime and gaming conventions on everything from My Neighbor Totoro to the history of dice and boardgames, and is author of the magical realist novel John Henry the Revelator. He lives in Boston with his wife, Jennifer, and either too many or too few dogs.

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