Getting to know you: Salesforce integration helps marketers map a customer’s journey

Thunderhead’s decisioning hub adds an engagement layer to the CRM company’s extensive data.

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As personalization continues to trend in martech, more and more companies are seeking new ways to understand and communicate with their customers. Salesforce RTIM is a new integration between Salesforce and Thunderhead’s ONE engagement hub that promises to give marketers deeper insight into every user touch point.

Salesforce RTIM provides insights that are based on real-time interaction management and uses machine learning and other analyses to predict user behavior.

“We visualize the customer journey through our listening online and offline, including at stores, ATMs, across all the touch points,” CMO Jason Hemingway told me. “It marries all the data together and builds a visualization of what happens and what will happen. The ultimate goal is to be able to personalize every interaction.”

Hemingway said that the data provided by Salesforce RTIM allows marketers to see and customize interactions across a customer’s journey. “Real-time journey analytics are a means to an end for us. It’s the omnichannel personalization brands can provide their individual customers with that makes this product truly powerful.”

ONE Touchpoint View Bfgsxe

Image of the ONE dashboard showing customer touch points

“You can remarket or you can even suppress your communication. Our software will understand where they’ve been, and show you where it’s going. It can tell you that this is the most appropriate conversation we can have,” Hemingway said.

Hemingway called this an outside-in approach, with the customer in the center and all the brand interactions working for the customer.

Hemingway also told me that by delivering appropriate conversations at the right time, Salesforce RTIM helps brands build trust with their customers.

“Trust over time is what builds engagement. Trust and knowledge. Trust builds happy customers, which leads to increased engagement and loyalty,” Hemingway said.

Thunderhead was recognized as a leader in journey orchestration by Forrester Wave. Its current clients include Office Depot, Aston Martin and the Cleveland Cavaliers.

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About the author

Robin Kurzer
Robin Kurzer started her career as a daily newspaper reporter in Milford, Connecticut. She then made her mark on the advertising and marketing world in Chicago at agencies such as Tribal DDB and Razorfish, creating award-winning work for many major brands. For the past seven years, she’s worked as a freelance writer and communications professional across a variety of business sectors.

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