Get To Know: The Campbell Soup Company’s Director Of Global Digital Marketing & Social Media

Marketing Land strives to keep our readers informed and up-to-date on the news and events that impact our industry. Today, we’re taking it one step further with the launch of our newest series, Marketing Land’s “Get to Know…” column, where we introduce you to the top marketing executives from the world’s leading brands. We couldn’t […]

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Marketing Land strives to keep our readers informed and up-to-date on the news and events that impact our industry.

Today, we’re taking it one step further with the launch of our newest series, Marketing Land’s “Get to Know…” column, where we introduce you to the top marketing executives from the world’s leading brands.

We couldn’t be more happy to kick-off the series with the Director of Global Digital Marketing and Social Media from one of America’s most cherished brands, The Campbell Soup Company.

For 15 years, Adam Kmiec has worked for some of the most forward thinking organizations in the world, while helping some of the most dynamic brands find success in the interactive and social space.

As the Director of Global Digital Marketing and Social Media at The Campbell Soup Company, Adam is responsible for developing a global digital marketing and social media strategy that encompasses both consumer-facing communications and corporate initiatives to make Campbell one of the most digitally fit organizations in the world.

Adam’s career spans both the client and agency sides of the marketing and advertising industry, covering stops at renowned organizations, including Fallon, Leo Burnett, and Walgreens. When not leading organizations through the ever evolving interactive landscape, Adam enjoys traveling, photography, and being a “cool” dad to his son, John, and daughter, Cora.

Get To Know: Adam Kmiec, The Campbell Soup Company, Director Global Digital Marketing & Social Media

Adam Kmiec

The Campbell Soup Company

Director Global Digital Marketing and Social Media

  • Age: 34
  • HQ: Camden, NJ
  • Apple or Android? Apple
  • First Job: Cake designer
  • Hobby: Photography
  • First Car: Toyota MR2

What mobile device can you not live without ?

My iPhone 5S. The fingerprint verification is amazing and I’m always taking photos of the kids.

Can we take a peek at your iPhone’s home screen?

Adam Kmiec cell screen

What app do you use most often for work?

Probably the Concur app. It’s one of the best designed app experiences out there and it makes tracking my travel and receipts simple and fast.

What social media network or website do you frequent most when you’re not working?

I think I’m the only guy I know on Pinterest. I love it. It’s quickly becoming the go to social network for me.

What’s the first thing you check on your phone in the morning?

In order: texts, emails, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.

What work challenge keeps you up at night?

The responsibility I feel never to do harm to this great brand. I want Campbell to be just as relevant with consumers over the next 140 years as it has for the first 140 years. Often times that means the well-informed “no” is more important than the “yes” that’s born from something exciting.

What has been the most exciting work development this year?

It’s probably less about any one single marketing execution or initiative and more about our evolution as an organization. Every day we become more digitally fit. Every day there’s progress toward evolving how we think about the role digital plays in connecting with our consumers of today and tomorrow.

How many miles have you traveled this year?

Too many, well over 150,000.

What other career would you like to try?

I love what I do now, but my dream job was always being a photographer for National Geographic Magazine. To get paid to do what you love is the dream. And what I’m empowered to do every day at Campbell is something I truly cherish.

What does your desk look like right now?

It’s clean and organized. It has to be. My personality type is ENTJ and we’re wired for organization. Clutter is the enemy! There’s literally nothing on my desk except my phone, laptop and monitor. On my shelves are 20 books that I rely on often and have shaped who I am as a marketing leader.

I have a peg board in my office and it’s filled with the most valuable art in the world, drawings from my daughter (Cora) and son (John). There’s also a credenza filled with photos I’ve taken of the kids. Basically, I’m surrounded by my children at work and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Adam Kmiec workspace

What is the last business book you read?

I try to read one business book and one non-business book at the same time. I recently finished both The Firm: The Story of McKinsey and Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success.

The one book I think everyone needs to read is Where The Suckers Moon, by Randall Rothenberg. It’s the must read book for anyone who wants to work in marketing and advertising. I read it about once a year, and bought a copy for my dad so he could understand what it was I did every day.

Outside of your company’s efforts, what ad campaign or video caught your eye recently?

I love the work Dodge is doing to market the Dodge Dart. The ads are brilliant.

Contributing authors are invited to create content for MarTech and are chosen for their expertise and contribution to the martech community. Our contributors work under the oversight of the editorial staff and contributions are checked for quality and relevance to our readers. The opinions they express are their own.

About the author

Amy Gesenhues
Amy Gesenhues was a senior editor for Third Door Media, covering the latest news and updates for Marketing Land, Search Engine Land and MarTech Today. From 2009 to 2012, she was an award-winning syndicated columnist for a number of daily newspapers from New York to Texas. With more than ten years of marketing management experience, she has contributed to a variety of traditional and online publications, including MarketingProfs, SoftwareCEO, and Sales and Marketing Management Magazine. Read more of Amy's articles.

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