Steve Dille

Steve Dille


About Steve Dille

Steve Dille is the senior vice president of marketing at SparkPost, a provider of digital messaging technology. He leads the company's global product marketing, demand-generation, branding and communications operations.

Steve Dille's latest articles

Performance marketing

Best Practice Pros: How The NFL Scores Big In Email

In our earlier profiles of email marketers that can serve as solid prototypes for other businesses, we dissected LinkedIn and Groupon: one a social media community, the other a massive ecommerce hub. Each found its own specific ways to use email as a primary pillar in acquisition and CRM. This time around, we’ll leaf through the email […]

Performance marketing

Best Practice Pros: How Groupon Manages Its Email Programs

Last month, we took a long look at LinkedIn, exploring how it uses email as a key component of creating, sustaining and driving its online community and overall business model. This time around, let’s examine a marketer whose name is practically synonymous with email engagement. Ask nearly anyone about which brands’ promotional emails land in their inbox, […]

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