Yahoo Hires Ned Brody To Lead Ad Business In Americas

Yahoo has announced the hiring of Ned Brody as the company’s new chief of advertising in North and South America. Brody’s official title is Senior Vice President and Head of the Americas, and he’ll report to COO Henrique de Castro. Brody said this via Yahoo’s news release: Over the last year I’ve watched what an […]

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ned-brody-200pxYahoo has announced the hiring of Ned Brody as the company’s new chief of advertising in North and South America.

Brody’s official title is Senior Vice President and Head of the Americas, and he’ll report to COO Henrique de Castro.

Brody said this via Yahoo’s news release:

Over the last year I’ve watched what an incredibly talented and passionate team can do with product at Yahoo. I’m excited about the opportunity to drive that kind of change in the advertising business, as well. With the largest set of premium inventory as a starting point, we’ve got a great opportunity to deliver the most effective scaled advertising solutions in the industry. I look forward to working with and learning from our partners as we enact this vision.

Brody most recently served as the CEO of AOL Networks, but resigned that position back in April. As AdWeek reported at that time, yearly revenues at AOL Networks were up 15 percent in 2011 and 31 percent in 2012. Yahoo was reportedly pursuing Brody when he resigned, although there were questions if non-compete concerns would keep him from returning Yahoo’s interest at the time.

(Photo via @NedBrody.)

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About the author

Matt McGee
Matt McGee joined Third Door Media as a writer/reporter/editor in September 2008. He served as Editor-In-Chief from January 2013 until his departure in July 2017. He can be found on Twitter at @MattMcGee.

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