Social Summary Creator Summify Acquired By Twitter

In a blog post today Summify,  a leading social summary provider, announced it was being acquired by Twitter.  Summify is a product that takes social and news feeds and delivers only the top content (summaries) to users. This is just one of Twitter’s many acquisitions including Tweetdeck (desktop client), Summize (search client), Tweetie (mobile app.)  No […]

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In a blog post today Summify,  a leading social summary provider, announced it was being acquired by Twitter.  Summify is a product that takes social and news feeds and delivers only the top content (summaries) to users.

Summify Iphone1

This is just one of Twitter’s many acquisitions including Tweetdeck (desktop client), Summize (search client), Tweetie (mobile app.)  No financials were discussed, but the Summify team will be relocating from Vancouver to the San Francisco area.

With the acquisition, some features will be stripped and new account creation will be unavailable.  The features that will be removed are:

  • The ability to make your summaries public (i.e. all summaries will be private)
  • Profile pages and influence pages
  • The auto-publish feature
  • User registration from the website, iPhone and Hootsuite apps

For more information on Summify, please see the video below, or visit the Summify site (while you still can.)


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About the author

Greg Finn
Greg Finn is the Director of Marketing for Cypress North, a company that provides world-class social media and search marketing services and web & application development. He has been in the Internet marketing industry for 10+ years and specializes in Digital Marketing. You can also find Greg on Twitter (@gregfinn) or LinkedIn.

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