Microsoft “Embeds” 25 Online Influencers Into Epic #DoAnything YouTube Career Advice Video

Microsoft aims to keep its Surface tablet top of mind at a time when UK youth are pondering their future careers.

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In an effort to burnish the Microsoft Surface brand with thousands of recent UK university graduates, as well as younger 13–17-year-olds, the company has created content aimed at helping them decide on a career path.

For the effort, Microsoft Surface teamed with 25 top UK bloggers, YouTubers and Instagrammers to create a video full of career options for viewers. The campaign is timed to appear as students in much of the UK receive the results of their GCSE exams, which often have a key role in determining their education and career paths.

To aid the direction of the campaign, the brand conducted research which found:

  • 73 percent of 18–24-year-olds say they are now the “And” generation: They see themselves working the day job but following a sideline career in something they are passionate about.
  • 54 percent of 18–24-year-olds say following their dreams and passions is a priority over following a more traditional path when it comes to education and career.
  • Almost a third (31 percent) of 18–24-year-olds want to be their own boss in their future career.
  • More than a third (38 percent) of 18–24-year-olds admit they don’t have a clear idea of what they plan to do after leaving full time education.
  • A quarter (24 percent) of 18–24-year-olds didn’t feel they knew about all of the career options they could explore.

The resulting stunt-style video, MC’d by YouTuber Doug Armstrong,  features UK influencers Jim Chapman, Roman Kemp, Emily Hartridge and others. Each of the 25 appearances is accompanied by the person’s job title — which is a clickable link that leads to that influencer’s online presence.

The links lead to blog posts, tweets, images and other destinations that allow viewers to explore the endeavors and careers of these 25 influencers.








The campaign is hashtagged #DoAnything and leads to all 25 influencers’ content, as well as other campaign-related content.

Microsoft is promoting the video and associated content on its UK Surface Twitter page:

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About the author

Steve Hall
Steve Hall is a marketing professional, publisher, writer, community manager, photographer and all-around lover of advertising.

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