Marketing Day: August 30, 2012
Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on MarTech and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: AdSense Publishers Mistakenly Notified About Rejected Ad Requests If you’re one of the many AdSense publishers who recently received a notice from Google about rejected ad requests… well, never mind. Google […]
Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on MarTech and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
- AdSense Publishers Mistakenly Notified About Rejected Ad Requests
If you’re one of the many AdSense publishers who recently received a notice from Google about rejected ad requests… well, never mind. Google says it’s a known bug that it’s working to resolve. Several days ago, publishers began coming to forums saying they’d received a notice saying, “You have rejected ad requests, which will result […]
- Google-Apple Patent Détente On The Horizon?
Reuters is reporting that Google’s CEO Larry Page and Apple CEO Tim Cook have been involved in “behind-the-scenes conversations about a range of intellectual property matters.” Like Russia and the US during the cold war, Reuters says the “two companies are keeping the lines of communication open at a high level.” The article suggests the […]
- Twitter Debuts Interest-Based Ad Targeting, Lowers Min. Bid To One Cent
This is a big step for Twitter’s advertising business: The company has announced that advertisers can now target Promoted Tweets and Promoted Accounts based on user interests. At the same time, Twitter says it’s also lowering the minimum bid on its auction-based ads to one cent. Two Types Of Interest-Based Targeting Twitter is offering two […]
- Survey: Facebook Best For B2C Sales & Leads; LinkedIn For B2B
A new survey shows that when it comes to generating leads and sales, Facebook gets top marks among business-to-consumer marketers while LinkedIn does well for the business-to-business marketer. Twitter comes in as a strong second place winner for B2C leads. The data comes from the 2012 State Of Digital Marketing report from WebMarketing123, a California-based digital marketing […]
- Can Social Influence Be Distilled Into A Score? Part I, The Potential
If you’re planning a campaign to stimulate word of mouth discussion of a product or a brand, one question likely keeps arising — how influential is a particular person online? Is it worth reaching out to them? If you’ve been pondering how to measure or benchmark social media influence, several companies, including Klout, PeerIndex and Kred, […]
- Holiday Shopping In August? For Merchants, Now’s The Time To Prepare
Ahhh, August…just about the time to hang up the mistletoe and holly. There’s no snow on the horizon yet, but ecommerce retailers are plotting and finalizing their holiday marketing strategies, advertisements and the look-and-feel of their websites for Q4. A lot has changed since the economic dreariness 2008 or even 2009. Although current consumer spending […]
- Ask + = A Winning Formula For IAC – And Online Marketers
IAC, parent company of and many other prominent websites, has acquired from the New York Times with a $300 million cash deal, trumping a $270 million offer from Many news sites have reported details of the acquisition, but I want to focus on the implications and opportunities for marketers that much of […]
- Ask The President Anything: Obama Partakes In A Presidential AMA On Reddit
Election season is upon us and the incumbent candidate, President Barack Obama, has taken to answer questions on the social news site Reddit. One of the more popular features on Reddit are ask me anything (AMA) posts where celebrities and interesting folks answer questions in the comments section of a submission. The President stated that he would partake […]
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
- Search Facebook Friends’ Photos On Bing
- Webcast, Sept. 6: “How to Build Links, Get Rankings and Stay Out of Trouble”
- At SMX East: From Schema To Authorship To The Knowledge Graph
- Only 9% Of Tech Blogs Implement Google Authorship Properly
- Bing Completes “Global Ortho” High Resolution Imagery Project For Continental US
- What Retailers Need To Know About The Local-Mobile Marketing Landscape
- SEO Basics: When Your Domain & Homepage Are Not The Same
- Google Webmaster Tools Breaks Down Site Errors
- Industry Survey: PPC Is Losing Ability To Generate Leads
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
- Brian Littleton On The State Of Affiliate Marketing, Small Business Trends
- Using UTM Tags To Correctly Identify Traffic Sources In Google Analytics,
Blogs & Blogging
- A 5-Step Plan to Improve Every Blog Post You Write,
- Lessons (and Stats) from Six Years of Blogging,
- Revealed: the grubby world of comment spam,
Business Issues
- Boring Old Yelp May Prove the LinkedIn of Local, Pando Daily
- Facebook 2012 Revenue Estimate Is Reduced by EMarketer, Bloomberg
- Twitter’s relationship with the media: It’s complicated, GigaOM
Content Marketing
- B2B Content, Measurement & Video Marketing Secrets from @toddwheatland, Online Marketing Blog
- How Much Is Your Content Worth?,
- Old Spice Has Another Viral Hit with ‘Muscle Music’ Video [VIDEO],
Conversion Optimization
- 5 Conversion Rate Optimization Experts Critique an ESPN Landing Page,
- Five tips for better customer journey analysis,
Copywriting, Design & Usability
- How To Build Trust Relationships Online: Creating Trustworthy Websites,
- The Key Components of a User-Friendly Website Navigation,
Display & Contextual Advertising
Internet Marketing Industry
- Marketers and Content Consumption, Use, and Measurement,
Mobile Marketing
Search Marketing
- The Really Easy SEO Link Building Strategy For Startups,
- 6 Ways To Make SEO Your Company’s Second Nature, Search Engine People
Social Media
- How CNN’s Facebook Election Tool Spreads Misinformation, Read/Write Web
- New jury rules target Google+, MySpace, more, GigaOM
- Breakdown: Social Media Workflow, Process, Triage,
- Pinterest for Marketers: The Part You’re Not Understanding,
- Which Are the Riskiest Social Media Sites for Brands?,
- Wolfram|Alpha Personal Analytics for Facebook,
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