Marketing Day: April 25, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on MarTech and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: Pinterest Launches ‘Old School’ Improvements To New Look Launching a new UX and design is tough. Reverting to old features and functionality can be even tougher. That’s exactly what Pinterest did […]

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Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on MarTech and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  • Pinterest Launches ‘Old School’ Improvements To New Look

    Launching a new UX and design is tough. Reverting to old features and functionality can be even tougher. That’s exactly what Pinterest did today with new design improvements. Unlike many social sites, they listened to their users’ feedback and rolled back some features that were lost in the new design shuffle. The notable additions that were brought […]

  • Yahoo Gains Ground in Video Metrics; Online Video Ads Up 12% in March [comScore]

    Yahoo’s unique video viewers rose to 50.3 million, up from 43.6 million in February, bumping the company up a rung to the number four U.S. Online Video Content Property according to comScore’s March 2013 US Online Video Rankings, In March, the number of Americans watching online content videos rose 2.5% from February. Nearly 182.5 million […]

  • New Google Analytics Path To Purchase Report Provides Benchmark Data On 11 Different Industries

    Google is introducing “The Customer Journey to Online Purchase” analytics report today, a new benchmarking tool that provides insight into the various elements impacting a single campaign. Leveraging data from 36,000 of their largest advertisers across 11 different industries in seven countries, Google’s new interactive analytics tool offers advertisers a broad view of online buying […]

  • Study: 39% Of Americans Took Part in Political Or Social Activity During The 2012 Campaign

    During the 2012 it may have felt like 100% of the people you saw on Twitter and Facebook featured politically-oriented content the the actual number was far less. A new Pew Internet study shows that 39% of adults took part in some form of political activity on a social network. The majority of the activity […]

  • Social Video Platform Spreecast Launches Mobile App, Plans Revenue Growth

    Tapping into the huge growth in both mobile video usage, today social video platform, Spreecast, announced the launch of its free iPhone app and the ability for mobile users to access Spreecasts in-browser on all iOS and Android devices. Major Media companies and marketers are using Spreecast to broaden their audience reach and engage with […]

  • Study: Facebook Activity Correlates To TV Viewership (Social TV’s Not Just For Twitter)

    Much has been made of the symbiotic relationship between TV and Twitter and the company’s recent activity to attract both broadcasters and marketers to the platform. Now a new paper from social advertising platform, CitizenNet, looks at how Facebook activity correlates with TV-viewing habits. For the study, CitizenNet looked the two weeks of Facebook Page Insights […]

  • Who To Watch: The Google Glass Edition

    As many of you know, Google Glass started shipping to Google Glass Explorers last week. I wanted to share with you some of the lucky people to get Google Glass early, what their experiences have been and where to track who else is getting Google Glass. First, the majority of those getting Google Glass within […]

  • 3 New Ways To Measure Email Campaign Effectiveness

    Almost 70% of all messages in people’s inboxes are non-personal, meaning they are marketing offers, social updates, receipts and more. This is both good news and bad news for marketers. The good news is the inbox is now more of a marketing channel than ever before. The bad news is there is more competition, and […]

  • Unifying Facebook Page Content & Ad Copy

    In my last column, I discussed strategies for testing content on your Facebook page. I also talked about how important it is, even when testing, to retain the character of your brand in all your content. Your Facebook page should have an identity to it, and you should strive to hold that identity constant. Part of […]

  • 5 Compelling Reasons To Launch B2B Mobile Landing Pages Now

    For everyone from business executives to teens, mobile devices facilitate a significant portion of communications and media consumption today. Yet, even as mobile devices become increasingly saturated into our everyday lives, mobile still remains a challenge for many B2B Web designers and online marketers. Most marketers do not actively employ mobile landing pages as a part […]

  • AdSense Gets New 970×90 ‘Super Leaderboard’ Ad Units

    Google AdSense is now offering 970×90 ad units, a newly adopted IAB standard size also known as ‘super leaderboards’. The new larger size is designed for ad placement on wider screens with the goal of appealing to brand advertisers wanting to make a larger impact on their advertising audience. Because this is a new ad […]

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About the author

Barry Schwartz
Barry Schwartz is a technologist and a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics.

In 2019, Barry was awarded the Outstanding Community Services Award from Search Engine Land, in 2018 he was awarded the US Search Awards the "US Search Personality Of The Year," you can learn more over here and in 2023 he was listed as a top 50 most influential PPCer by Marketing O'Clock.

Barry can be followed on X here and you can learn more about Barry Schwartz over here or on her personal site.

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