Facebook’s Audience Network Rolls Out Worldwide, Gains The Ability To Drive Mobile Traffic

We knew that Facebook’s expanded ad network was in the works. Well, today Facebook’s “Audience Network” has arrived for more marketers worldwide. The Audience Network positions Facebook as a player in the mobile ad space and grow their earning reach outside of the Facebook interface and take a chunk out of the Google dominated display market. With […]

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We knew that Facebook’s expanded ad network was in the works. Well, today Facebook’s “Audience Network” has arrived for more marketers worldwide.

The Audience Network positions Facebook as a player in the mobile ad space and grow their earning reach outside of the Facebook interface and take a chunk out of the Google dominated display market.


With the Audience Network, advertisers can increase their reach to mobile apps that aren’t Facebook by using banner, interstitial and native mobile ads. These ads could drive traffic for a variety of goals including app installs, app engagement, and now, link ads that will drive traffic to a mobile site.

The mobile traffic addition is new and important. Previously, the small test of the Audience Network revolved around app installs and engagement. With the change geared toward traffic, Facebook is now invading the turf of Google, Yahoo and other display behemoths, posing a significant threat.

In the process, Facebook is also making itself more appetizing to SMBs that may not have their own apps but do want more mobile traffic and the precise targeting and reporting that only Facebook currently offers.


All app ads and links ads are now eligible to appear in the Audience Network as of today. To see if your ads are eligible, see the Ad Creation tool, Power Editor or the Facebook Ads API and view the “Ad Placements” option. All of the ads in the Audience Network will use the same targeting and measurement that traditional Facebook Ads use.

See the Facebook blog for the official release.

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About the author

Greg Finn
Greg Finn is the Director of Marketing for Cypress North, a company that provides world-class social media and search marketing services and web & application development. He has been in the Internet marketing industry for 10+ years and specializes in Digital Marketing. You can also find Greg on Twitter (@gregfinn) or LinkedIn.

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