Bynder announces free version of its Digital Asset Management (DAM) software

Called Orbit, it offers AI-powered auto-tagging for search and users have up to 100 GB of storage before hitting premium levels.

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A screen from Bynder Orbit.

A screen from Bynder Orbit.

This week, digital asset management (DAM) provider Bynder is announcing a free DAM product called Orbit.

Essentially, Orbit is a limited-function version of Bynder for small- and medium-sized businesses. The main Bynder software is directed toward enterprises.

Available in the fall, Orbit lets businesses create, store, search and share images, videos and other creative files in the cloud, with access shared by team members. There are no limits on the number of users.

CEO Chris Hall describes Bynder Orbit as “the first free and widely available DAM [built] for enterprise grade performance and security.”

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The DAM tool, which can be branded with a business’ look and feel, offers automatic file conversion; automatic extraction of metadata, keywords and other relevant info during upload; and AI-powered auto-tagging for search. Free accounts have up to 100 GB of storage, after which there are premium levels of usage.

Why give away a free version?

Hall told me via email that “seventy-five percent of marketers at small and medium sized businesses aren’t familiar with the term Digital Asset Management, and they’re also unaware there is a solution to their problem.”

“A free, professional product can finally educate marketers on a much wider scale and solve a real problem,” he said, after which businesses can increase their storage or graduate to the full Bynder.

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About the author

Barry Levine
Barry Levine covers marketing technology for Third Door Media. Previously, he covered this space as a Senior Writer for VentureBeat, and he has written about these and other tech subjects for such publications as CMSWire and NewsFactor. He founded and led the web site/unit at PBS station Thirteen/WNET; worked as an online Senior Producer/writer for Viacom; created a successful interactive game, PLAY IT BY EAR: The First CD Game; founded and led an independent film showcase, CENTER SCREEN, based at Harvard and M.I.T.; and served over five years as a consultant to the M.I.T. Media Lab. You can find him at LinkedIn, and on Twitter at xBarryLevine.

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