The 25 Most Fantastic Social Media Updates From Brands During The Super Bowl

The game last night was anything but competitive which helped make the social screen that much more entertaining. Throughout the night there was plenty of brand and Bronco bashing amid some sound marketing that helped stretch ad dollars and put brands in the social spotlight. As we monitored all of the ads and brand activity […]

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The game last night was anything but competitive which helped make the social screen that much more entertaining. Throughout the night there was plenty of brand and Bronco bashing amid some sound marketing that helped stretch ad dollars and put brands in the social spotlight.

As we monitored all of the ads and brand activity last night on @MarketingLand and @HashtagBowl, and we’ve highlighted our top social updates from brands, movies & companies.

Game Related Updates

One of the easiest ways to boost engagement is to cash in on the current events occurring in the big game. These were the 5 best in-game updates that featured relates aimed directly towards the action on the gridiron:

Spider Man – “Need A Hand”

Buffalo Wild Wings – “Sorry Fans”

DiGiorno – “Done after 20 minutes”

Arby’s – Turnover

Captain America – “Unnecessary Roughness”

Social Support For Other Marketing Initiatives

These examples show brands using social media to support and share guerrilla marketing & giveaways outside of the Super Bowl ads themselves:

Esurance – “Save Money”

Doritos – “Super Bowl Hack” (Doritos bought tickets for fans and created a large Dorito-shaped section in one of the endzones)

Audi – “Snapchat” (this was promoted on Twitter where Audi would snapchat game-related images to other users such as this gentleman)

Halftime Related Updates

The following updates were directly related to the Pepsi sponsored halftime show featuring Bruno Mars:

Tide – “Mancans”

NASA – “Mars”

Updates That Supported Commercials

The follow updates show brands maximizing their ad dollars through well-timed social updates that spurred sharing:

Budweiser – “Awwwwwwww.”

Chobani – “Join The Roar”

RadioShack – “Out With The Old” (this featured a microsite with giveaways of old ’80 merch)

Budweiser Puppy – “Best Buds”

Volkswagen USA – “How do you get your wings?”

Cheerios – “Peace, Love, Cheerios”

Brand To Brand Interaction

This year featured great brand-to-brand interaction that was frankly fun to see. Here are the best conversations between brands:

Newcastle – “If We Made It Series” (Throughout the night Newcastle would re-write ads from other brands and post YouTube videos)

Butterfinger – “In A Relationship”

Tide – “Ketchup Squirts”

Victoria’s Secret – “Imitation”

Microsoft Xbox – “Building Stronger Fingertips”

Brands Picking On The JCPenney Social Debacle

In case you missed the JCPenney social media debacle last night, read this. While most people hated the JCPenney campaign, it  turns out that they loved other brands having fun at the expense of the clothing company. These four examples received the best reactions from the social audience:

Snickers – “You’re Not You”

Coors Light – “JCPenney Tweet Responsibly”

Doritios – “Slow Down JC Penney”

Kia – “Designated Driver”

Have an update that you thought was exceptional? Feel free to share it in the comments below.

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About the author

Greg Finn
Greg Finn is the Director of Marketing for Cypress North, a company that provides world-class social media and search marketing services and web & application development. He has been in the Internet marketing industry for 10+ years and specializes in Digital Marketing. You can also find Greg on Twitter (@gregfinn) or LinkedIn.

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