Rachel Pasqua

Rachel Pasqua


About Rachel Pasqua

Rachel Pasqua joined iCrossing in 2005 to develop the agency's mobile group and her expertise in this rapidly evolving ecosystem has helped many of our clients bridge the gap between online and offline and connect successfully with their audiences. An industry veteran, she has over 12 years of experience with clients such as Toyota, Kia, Bermuda Department of Tourism, RitzCarlton, Marie Claire and Good Housekeeping to name but a few, spanning a wide range of services from mobile app development to near field communications.

Rachel Pasqua's latest articles

Customer experience

How To Get Your Mobile Site Found

In a previous column, we covered the ways in which you can get your native mobile apps discovered using Paid, Earned, and Owned media. But what about your mobile website? If you’ve built a mobile site and put redirects in place, your content will stand a good change of getting found via mobile search traffic […]

Customer experience

The Missing Mobile Metric

In my last column, we discussed the conundrum of achieving–and maintaining–optimal visibility in mobile app stores. It’s a delicate balance of driving downloads and cultivating engagement and lucky for us, these things can be measured. Download numbers are the simplest aspect of the equation, piped daily into your iTunes Connect or Google Play account. Engagement […]

Customer experience

Marketing Mobile Apps

In my last column, we discussed the dilemma of when to build a mobile web site vs. when to build a native mobile app.  I find this question comes up almost daily now in conversation with colleagues — especially with the many talented engineers with whom I’m lucky to work. Their point of view is […]

Customer experience

Which Comes First, The Site Or The App?

There are a few questions I’m asked almost daily in the course of my work. For example, “is the iPad a mobile device?” And, of course, the classic “Is this the year of mobile?” (Yes, they’re still asking….) One of my favorites is, “What should I develop first — a mobile site or a mobile […]

Customer experience

Mobile Website Optimization – You’ve Got Options

Earlier this week, Cindy Krum gave readers sound advice on URL structures for mobile so it makes perfect sense to follow-up on her excellent column with some additional thoughts on how to actually develop your mobile web content. It’s a topic that could — and does — fill several books, but every marketer should be […]

Customer experience

Does Your Agency Need A “Mobile Lead”?

As a writer and speaker on mobile, there are a few questions I get over and over again. For instance, “Is the iPad a mobile device?” and, “Can’t I just sent tablet users to my desktop site?” Most of these questions are topics of intense debate and few have an easy answer. When it comes to […]

Customer experience

Give It Up For Mobile Data

Admit it. You want my data. It’s understandable. I’m a very attractive demographic. I’m an urban professional. A suburban homeowner. A wife and a mother of small children. I’m that household-decision-making-mom that you fantasize about targeting. Observe just a small sample of the 100+ brands I’ll make purchase decisions about this month alone. If you […]

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