Claudine Bianchi

Claudine Bianchi


About Claudine Bianchi

Claudine Bianchi is the Founder, CMO, and Chief Product Officer at Crescendo Content Marketing. She's a highly regarded, battle-tested senior executive with 20+ years of management experience in B2B technology marketing. She has built companies with aggregate exits totally over $600M and averaging 7x return for investors. Bianchi was previously CMO at Percussion Software and CMO of ViewDo Labs which was acquired by Percussion in 2014. At ViewDo Labs, she spearheaded marketing while defining a new market category—Enterprise Social Network analytics and governance. She also held the position of CMO of Axceler, a leader in Microsoft SharePoint governance and administration which was sold to Metalogix in August, 2013. Prior to Axceler, she was Senior Vice President of Corporate Marketing at Avid, a $1B software company serving the media and entertainment industry. Prior to Avid, she was CMO at NaviSite, a cloud managed service provider, which was sold to Time Warner Cable in 2010. Bianchi has also held senior marketing roles at Forrester Research, eCopy (now part of Nuance), and MetaCarta (acquired by Nokia). Bianchi is a graduate of Dartmouth College.

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