Alison Zeringue

Alison Zeringue


About Alison Zeringue

Alison Zeringue is Director of Account Management at Search Influence, a national digital marketing agency dedicated to helping businesses optimize their potential. In Alison's six years in digital marketing she's acquired SEO, Social, SEM, and integrated digital campaign experience on accounts ranging from small businesses to regional and national institutions.

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Alison Zeringue's latest articles

Performance marketing

4 Tips To Instagram Your Business

I’ll admit, I was late to hop on the Instagram bandwagon. I kept hearing it was all the rage with the youngsters these days and that Facebook was now considered “lame” (aka “the new MySpace”). Apparently, anyone under the age of 20 thinks Facebook is for us oldies (most likely because their moms are on it, […]

Performance marketing

3 Pinterest Tips That Will Make You Better At Your Job

I’ve always felt bad for those folks whose offices block the use of Facebook and other social networks! I’m a manager myself, so I get it — you don’t want your employees wasting their time scanning Facebook for the latest from their not-so-closest-friends or shopping for nail polish on Pinterest. But I’ve always thought that […]

Performance marketing

Beyond Social: The Benefits To Google+ For Business

Working for an online marketing company that specializes in search engine optimization for small businesses means that Google pretty much runs my life. Our email is Google. Our documents are in Google Drive. Our lives revolve around keeping up with Google algorithm changes and Google+ Local’s latest and greatest ideas affecting our clients. Because we […]

Performance marketing

Fans Or Frenemies? 3 Tips For Facebook Customer Service Crisis Management

No matter the budget, simply posting content on social media is not enough to make the most of your social media marketing dollar. Many marketers know repeat customers drive the most business, which may explain why seventy-six percent of local merchants today look to social media to engage existing customers (Constant Contact’s Technology Pulse Q3, […]

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