How to craft killer CTAs that convert B2B prospects

Learn the fundamentals of what to do to create compelling B2B calls to action for successful email outreach.

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Forget nailing your value proposition, crafting eloquent email copy and avoiding spam filters. Your entire outreach will fail if your call to action (CTA) is weak.

While regular cold emails can bring you an average reply rate of 5% to 10%, personalized CTAs perform 202% better. Yet, a truly good CTA isn’t just about personalization. 

This data-driven guide dissects the science behind powerful B2B calls to action along with insider tips and winning examples. 

While I can’t guarantee you overnight success, I promise you’ll walk away inspired and armed with powerful tactics to take your B2B outreach to the next level.

What makes a powerful CTA and why you need one

Imagine a call to action as the spark that ignites the desired action in your audience. It’s the final step that takes them from simply reading your message to engaging with your offer. In addition to boosting engagement, check a few other reasons why they matter:

  • They bridge the gap between interest and action. By explicitly telling readers what you want them to do, you eliminate confusion and guide them on their journey.
  • They meet expectations based on previous user experience. Just like we click “Accept” on cookie popups, our brains anticipate CTAs in certain contexts. Meeting this expectation builds trust and familiarity.

But crafting a truly effective CTA requires more than just throwing in a generic “Jump on a call with me.” Here are five basic characteristics of a powerful call to action:

  • Clarity. It should answer the question, “Now what?”
  • Intrigue. It should pique interest and entice the reader to discover what happens next.
  • Relevance. It should be tailored to your recipients’ needs and resonate with them.
  • Brevity. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point.
  • Connection. Ensure it flows naturally from the overall message of your email.

And, perhaps, an extra one that deserves special attention: Visibility. For maximum impact, place your CTA:

  • Above the fold, so the recipients see it instantly.
  • In the subject line to tease the action and grab attention.
  • In the opening sentence to hook your readers in right away.
  • At the end of the email to encourage the prospects to act before they close your message.

Dig deeper: Beyond ‘click here:’ 4 rules for better email CTAs

Examples of captivating B2B calls to action

But before we dive into examples, remember: There’s no magic silver bullet CTA. What resonates with one audience might fall flat with another. So try and test different approaches and adapt each call to action to your specific target audience.

Pique interest

These are interest-based CTAs that invite conversation without demanding time:

CTA - Pique interest

While it might seem less aggressive than asking for an appointment directly, don’t underestimate its power. From the strategic point of view, it aims to attract and persuade without being pushy. The ultimate goal (meeting, demo, purchase) remains the same, but you add a gentler step beforehand.

Why interest-based CTAs are good:

  • Open up self-learning possibilities. Many prefer to research independently before meetings, especially if you have to deal not just with one decision-maker but six to ten people from the buying committee
  • Texting wins for modern audiences. Gen Z and Millennials often favor text over calls.
  • Fit even the tightest schedule. Such calls to action offer a quick overview for busy decision-makers.
  • Sound less pushy. Shows value without feeling like a sales pitch.

Use this type of call to action:

  • For straightforward products with self-service options.
  • When the prospect can easily research and learn on their own.

Caution: C-level executives of fast-paced companies might expect a direct approach. So, test interest-based CTAs carefully.

Dig deeper: The art of natural funneling: How to lead your readers without forced CTAs

Make it easy

An opposite way is to get straight to the point and directly invite prospects to a specific meeting or action.

CTA - Make it easy

Notice how these CTAs:

  • Propose specific dates and times, which removes the guesswork and makes scheduling easy for the prospect.
  • Offer clear action verbs: “show (demo),” “schedule a meeting,” and leave no room for ambiguity.
  • Frame the request as a question to invite engagement and avoid feeling pushy.

Why straightforward CTAs crush it:

  • Demonstrate respect. Offering specific times shows you value the prospect’s schedule.
  • Reduce friction. One-click responses like “yes” or “no” minimize effort, encouraging action.
  • Are direct. Such calls to action clearly state what you want and how to respond.

Use hard CTAs:

  • For complex products, when meetings are crucial to explain features and value.
  • When approaching C-level executives — they often appreciate directness and swift action.

Create a sense of urgency

Sometimes, a gentle nudge can make a big difference in B2B outreach. But be careful here not to sound too salesy or spammy.

CTA - Create a sense of urgency

Why such CTAs can make it:

  • Urgency triggers action. Limited-time offers tap into our fear of missing out (FOMO), motivating faster action.

Best for:

  • Time-sensitive offers or exclusive discounts.
  • Addressing critical challenges or immediate pain points.
  • High-value solutions to emphasize the scarcity or unique benefits of your offering.

Finally, grab a few more tips on how to utilize the sense of urgency without extreme pressure.

  • Focus on value rather than on time. You can do it by highlighting the benefits of acting right away.
  • Suggest options and choices like flexible meeting times or alternative ways to engage.
  • Before adding urgency triggers, make sure your offering is an ultimate solution to your prospect’s needs.

Caution: Don’t overuse them, otherwise your messages won’t pass email spam filters.

Dig deeper: Email outreach for marketers: Measuring and optimizing performance

Focus on value

I’d name it a classic “Show, don’t tell” approach. It’s about your potential clients, not you. In other words, this type of CTA highlights the specific value your leads might get from your offering.

CTA - Focus on value

Why you should choose them:

  • Value speaks volumes. By understanding and focusing on the prospect’s needs, you create a compelling reason to act. Especially if you add some data or numbers to support your words and show you can deliver tangible results.
  • Features tell, benefits sell, they say, and I couldn’t agree more. Try to establish an emotional connection with the prospect’s desires. From our experience, adding such a personal touch facilitates the decision-making process.

When to use:

  • Whenever possible. I literally can’t imagine the situation value won’t work.

Go creative with a triplet formula

If you’re brave enough to spice things up with more punchy CTAs, go for triplets. It combines two expected benefits and one unexpected or even weird point. Something like that:

CTA - Go creative with a triplet formula

Why you may want to try a creative call to action:

  • Cut through the noise. Something out of place always draws attention. An unexpected twist will definitely make your message stand out from the generic ones.
  • Create memorable impact. Even if you don’t get a response, you won’t go unnoticed. Treat it as a part of your brand awareness strategy.
  • Show you think differently. If your lead wants a fresh solution to their problem, your twist will convince them you are the one.

But this approach might be risky, so use it only if:

  • You’re 100% sure your prospects are open to creative thinking and unconventional solutions.
  • The unexpected thing on the list at least somehow aligns with your offering.

Caution: Before trying it out, ensure you’re not targeting a super-conservative company. Mind that you should speak your prospect’s language rather than shock them.

Things to avoid doing with your CTAs

Crafting compelling CTAs is crucial, but avoiding missteps is equally important. Here are three common pitfalls to avoid:

Skip the link in your first cold email. And this isn’t because links are bad, but because spam filters won’t tolerate them. So start low-key, ask your leads if they want to find out more, and send a link only after they agree.

While convenient, linking your Calendly might feel pushy. Don’t force your prospects to open their door. Start by asking if they want to meet. This demonstrates respect for their time and preferences.

Also, Calendly links can be clunky on mobile devices, frustrating recipients and potentially hindering engagement. Opt for a simpler “yes/no” option to schedule a call first.

Don’t use several CTAs

Several CTAs can be confusing and distract prospects from your key message.

Compare these:

  • Want a personalized product demo? Let’s hop on a call tomorrow at 3 PM EST or check more detailed information about product features in the deck attached.
  • Let’s dive into the details! Free for a meeting on Thursday at 11 AM EST?

While the first has started well, it offers two possible actions for a user. Most likely, they will do nothing. Or they can jump to the deck and forget about your call offering. And the second call to action is good as it leads to a clear next step.

So, stick to one concise CTA per email. This focuses the recipient’s attention and increases the likelihood of them taking action.

Bottom line: Find your sweet spot with CTAs

While each approach mentioned above has its conversion potential, A/B testing is key to unlocking what works best for you. So, Here’s your action plan:

  • Craft variations. Experiment with different CTA types, wording, placement, and urgency levels.
  • Set deadlines. Allocate at least two weeks for each test to gather meaningful data to inform your decisions.
  • Track and analyze. Monitor response rates, click-through rates, and conversions to identify what resonates best.
  • Ask the right questions. Which CTA gets more replies? Leads to more meaningful interactions? Drives higher conversions?

By following this approach, you’ll uncover the B2B CTA that unlocks your email marketing potential, just like my team did.

Also, remember that even the strongest CTA won’t work if your emails don’t reach inboxes. So consider services like Folderly to ensure your emails land where they should. And, of course, experiment, learn, and refine your approach for maximum impact.

Dig deeper: 7 common problems that derail A/B/n email testing success


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About the author

Vladyslav Podoliako
Vladyslav Podoliako is Founder and CEO at Belkins. He is a serial entrepreneur and investor with a decade of experience in building and growing service companies and SaaS startups in Sales- and MarTech. He is known for his expertise in creating successful businesses from scratch and building top-notch teams that drive all ventures to the top of their industries. With an unbridled passion for entrepreneurship, Vladyslav is always on the lookout to create, build, and explore new opportunities to market innovative products and ideas. He began his career in sales and quickly climbed the ranks to become a founder. Vladyslav's entrepreneurial spirit and drive for success have made him a valuable member of the business community.

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