Michelle Barna

Michelle Barna


About Michelle Barna

Michelle Barna is the Social Media Communications Director at Deep Focus, she is responsible for leading the team focused on social engagement, social strategy, community interaction, blogger and influencer outreach. Michelle is also an Adjunct Professor at New York University, where she teaches Social Media for Brand Value.

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Michelle Barna's latest articles

Performance marketing

How To Maximize Facebook’s Recent Link Upgrade

There are few things that instill more fear into social media marketers than being required to drive organic traffic to a site, campaign, or even a Facebook tab via Facebook. Facebook’s strong suit has never been click-throughs. As a result, social media marketers have done everything in their power to boost the presence of links. […]

Performance marketing

Why Facebook Advertising Needs To Be Comfortable Checking “In A Relationship With” Facebook Content

When asked the question, “Notice anything new on Facebook?” — besides the company’s  filing for an IPO, of course — my guess is you would answer it with gusto and say “Timeline” or “Ticker.” And you would be correct — at least for the most part. There was another large change that managed to fly quietly […]

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