How to get started with ABM
Get started with ABM in phases: launch a pilot then optimize your target account list before pushing your entire marketing team on the ABM machine.
After 4+ years at Demandbase (and 20+ years in B2B Marketing), Jessica has seen it all when it comes to Account-Based Marketing. Playing an instrumental role in Demandbase’s rollout of an ABM strategy, and educating over 1000 B2B marketers on the principles of ABM over the last 18 months, Jessica has become a resident expert. From building the right target account list and understanding the impact of ABM on marketing programs, to selling ABM within an organization and finding budget for your strategy, Jessica has worked with organizations to build, hone, and measure the success of their own ABM strategies.
Get started with ABM in phases: launch a pilot then optimize your target account list before pushing your entire marketing team on the ABM machine.
Jessica Fewless | Jun 5, 2019 at 1:03 pm ETHere are some practical tips to help marketers confidently transition to the right blended ABM strategy.
Jessica Fewless | Nov 30, 2018 at 7:40 am ETContributor Jessica Fewless reviews how a blended ABM approach using personalization, events and direct mail can benefit B2B marketers.
Jessica Fewless | Aug 24, 2018 at 3:08 pm ETContributors Jessica Fewless and Rob Leavitt outline three common approaches to Account-Based Marketing and discuss the advantages of moving to a personalized, blended strategy.
Jessica Fewless | Dec 5, 2017 at 3:45 pm ET