E-Commerce Conversion Rate Rose To 71% Higher Than October Average Last Week

According to aggregated ecommerce data, online shoppers are jumping right in and placing their orders.

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Americans are getting more serious about their online holiday shopping as Black Friday approaches. According to aggregate ecommerce figures from HookLogic, which runs an ad network on retail sites like Walmart, Target, Best Buy and Macy’s, traffic to product pages was up 53 percent in the week beginning Monday, November 16, as compared to the baseline established in October. Compared with the previous week, traffic was up 15 percent.

Meanwhile, the folks visiting those product pages were increasingly likely to move from browsing to buying. HookLogic says the conversion rate was up 71 percent compared with the baseline period and up 10 percent from the week before.


What were they buying? If their search behavior on these sites was any indication, electronics — especially TVs — are hot items, according to the company’s listing of top 20 non-branded search terms. Other electronics of interest include “laptop,” “tablets” and “laptops.” Shoppers also seemed focused on gussying up their homes for expected holiday visitors, searching for “Christmas trees,” “curtains,” “bedding,” “TV stand,” “coffee maker,” “desk,” “rugs,” “christmas ornaments” and “area rugs.”


This traffic and searching activity is happening most often on mobile devices, the company says. As in previous weeks measured, mobile traffic came in ahead of desktop traffic. HookLogic expects this trend to continue as shoppers traveling for the holidays become more dependent on their smartphones.


Each week throughout the holidays, Marketing Land is publishing retail data from the previous shopping week in collaboration with HookLogic, as part of our Holiday Retailer coverage.

About the author

Pamela Parker
Pamela Parker is Research Director at Third Door Media's Content Studio, where she produces MarTech Intelligence Reports and other in-depth content for digital marketers in conjunction with Search Engine Land and MarTech. Prior to taking on this role at TDM, she served as Content Manager, Senior Editor and Executive Features Editor. Parker is a well-respected authority on digital marketing, having reported and written on the subject since its beginning. She's a former managing editor of ClickZ and has also worked on the business side helping independent publishers monetize their sites at Federated Media Publishing. Parker earned a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University.

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