Looking Back Over 2012 Through Tweets

2012. Wow, what a year. The world didn’t end, yet. For me, this year was quite different from those in the recent past. I experienced several personal milestones, enjoyed a lovely editorial year (my first with Marketing Land) and my agency continued to grow in spite of my absence for part of the year. Here’s […]

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twitter-new-logo-blue2012. Wow, what a year. The world didn’t end, yet.

For me, this year was quite different from those in the recent past. I experienced several personal milestones, enjoyed a lovely editorial year (my first with Marketing Land) and my agency continued to grow in spite of my absence for part of the year.

Here’s a look back at 2012 via the wide angle lens that is my Twitter feed.  Some of my tweets were related to our industry, while others chronicled brand failures or just the total nonsense our social media culture encompasses at times.

I’ve grouped my chronologically-ordered self-indulgent posts into handy categories for your perusal, refusal or total dismissal.


Each year, important signposts slide right by most of us in the social sphere.  2012 was no different; so, it makes perfect sense that I would be talking about missing the holiday season in early January.

I joined Marketing Land as a contributor, and one of my favorite columns centered around Google’s entry into the digital sharing community. I’ve never been one to pull punches, and this year was no different.

Meanwhile, Eric Schmidt talked self-driving cars while Google maps sent me into corn fields; social media got tired; and marketers didn’t measure.


Though I’ve said this in many a public forum, I just can’t tell you how much I value Twitter as a means of complaining about products, services and brands. And, of course, many brands have found in social media an opportunity to communicate with customers and address their concerns.

Topping my list of losers this year is @Lowes @AmericanAir, @HiltonOnline , @iTunes and @AmericanExpress.  I only had one winner, @InfinitiUSA  with its life-changing and column-inspiring personal assistant service.


Total Nonsense

Yes, people are stupid. And that keeps me up at night. Living in a beach town in Southern California is a dream come true for me and we Huntington Beach folk are really patriotic as evidenced by the same shirtless drunk guy running down my street praising the founding fathers two years in a row on July 4.

Michele Bachman wanted to save us from the “pot takers,” I discovered maple bacon cappuccino in a machine. Also in 2012, stupid people brought their kids to a R rated movie about a man and his pot-taking teddy bear and people are still out there referring to themselves as “thought leaders,” “gurus” and “innovators.”






Coffee is for closers bitches. (@ Glengarry Glen Ross at The Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre) [pic]: 4sq.com/Tc35Zd—  November 9, 2012



From The Heart

And finally, this year, I expressed appreciation for the amount of time I spend in (and the secret locations of) my favorite New York City steakhouses.

I also witnessed the rebuild at ground zero and spent a lot of time pondering life while watching the ocean with my best friend. 2012 left me with a profound feeling of loss as the year forced me to say goodbye to my dear father, some good friends and mentors and many an entertainer – all of whom had a tremendous influence on my life.

I wound down with a great quote from my pal @ThatKevinSmith about life’s changing dynamics. But, above all, 2012 taught me that every day is a chance to help move the world forward.  I wish you the ability to do the same and a happy and healthy 2013.










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About the author

Kevin Ryan
Kevin Ryan is CEO of Motivity Marketing. Motivity ‘s focus is helping companies in the world of connected marketing move forward with greater impact and return than they may ever have thought possible. Kevin takes an active role in guiding the day-to-day strategic execution of client initiatives.

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