Facebook Beats Estimates With $4.5 Billion Revenue, Now Has More Than A Billion Daily Active Users

Ad revenue is up 45% over last year and 78% of the total comes from mobile ads. The social network has 1.55 billion monthly active users and 1.01 billion daily.

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Facebook posted another expectations beating quarter, reporting $4.5 billion in revenue for the third quarter. That figure was a 41 percent increase from last year and $130 million more than analysts had expected. Earnings per share were 57 cents, excluding certain expenses, and also beat consensus expectations of 52 cents. It was the 14th consecutive quarter that the company exceeded Wall Street’s revenue predictions.

Most of the revenue came from advertising, which was $4.29 billion, an increase of 45 percent from last year at this time. And if not for foreign exchange headwinds, Facebook said its ad revenue would have grown at a 57 percent rate.

Mobile ads brought in 78 percent of ad revenue, up two percentage points from last quarter. Last year at this time, 66 percent of Facebook ad revenue came from mobile.


Facebook’s user numbers also continue to grow. It now has 1.55 billion monthly active users, up 14 percent over last year at this time, and an increase of 60 million since the second quarter. The growth rate for mobile monthly active users was higher — 23 percent — bringing the total to 1.39 billion.

More impressively, more than a billion people now check in on Facebook every day. The official DAU total is 1.01 billion, up from 968 million three months ago. In August, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the network’s first one billion user day, now it’s averaging more than that.


Facebook executives will hold a call with investors today at 2 p.m. PT, which can be streamed here.

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About the author

Martin Beck
Martin Beck was Third Door Media's Social Media Reporter from March 2014 through December 2015.

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