Steve Olenski

Steve Olenski


About Steve Olenski

Steve Olenski's latest articles

Performance marketing

8 Reasons Why Loyalty Programs Are Imperative For Marketers

Companies throughout the nation are now utilizing loyalty programs more often than ever before. These organizations understand the importance of retaining existing customers and choose to implement a system directed specifically at building customer loyalty. What exactly is a loyalty program, then? While the specifics of each program may differ, the premise remains the same: a […]

Marketing management

5 Simple Rules Of Marketing, Whatever The Technology

The Internet has made it much easier for businesses to communicate with potential customers and clients, which in turn has made marketing much easier for anyone who wants to get involved in it. But with all this new technology at our disposal, aspiring marketers have lost sight of the basics. The art of marketing has not […]

Performance marketing

5 Myths About Social Media Marketing

Marketing twenty years ago was rather rudimentary: design-catchy billboards, mail-out flyers to millions, and of course, television advertising. Consumers have now moved into the digital space, yet they still crave the attention of corporations they admire. Unfortunately, many brands are still getting stuck on social media, failing to effectively utilize this channel. Scott Langdon of HigherVisibility chimed […]

Performance marketing

Boost Your Social Strategy With SEO Data

We all know that a great social strategy can help your SEO efforts — gaining visibility and shares, helping create relationships, etc. — but thinking about things the other way around is a little bit trickier. In other words, can you use your SEO data to help improve your social media strategy? Although this method […]

Customer experience

How To Use Brand Ambassadors To Drive Social Media Success

Whether you’re the CMO of a Fortune 500 company or the webmaster of your burgeoning startup’s website, social media efforts will be critical to your business in 2014. Increasingly, marketers are tasked with launching ever more interactive (and expensive) social media campaigns — but CMOs are still challenged to provide more than the most basic ROI metrics […]

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