Liane Dietrich

Liane Dietrich


About Liane Dietrich

Liane Dietrich is Chief Operating Officer, and is responsible for the planning and execution of Rakuten LinkShare's vision to deliver world-class online marketing solutions. Since joining Rakuten LinkShare, now Rakuten Affiliate Network in 2003, Liane has contributed to the company's success in the areas of service delivery, strategic direction and international expansion in her roles as Director, Vice President and Managing Director in Chicago, New York, and London.

Liane Dietrich's latest articles

Marketing management

Ten Bold Predictions For Affiliate Marketing in 2014

When it comes to affiliate marketing, 2013 was quite an interesting year. Some of the biggest milestones included a record-breaking ecommerce holiday season, double-digit network growth, and the closing of the Google Affiliate Network. And let’s not forget about “Cookiegate,” which was sparked when Mozilla announced plans for its Firefox browser to block certain cookies. […]

Performance marketing

Last Minute Google Shopping: Best Practices In PLAs

Congratulations! You’re now fully entrenched in the holiday shopping season. Of course, we know the majority of marketing campaigns were locked down in August (right?), but this doesn’t mean you don’t have any wiggle room to make last minute adjustments, especially if you’re not yet seeing the results you anticipated. One area where you can […]

Performance marketing

Fun & Games: How To Win Big With In-Game Advertising

The popularity of games has not been lost on the advertiser community. From a market opportunity perspective, the number of gamers worldwide is expected to surpass 1.2 billion by the end of this year, according to Newzoo’s 2013 Global Games Market Report. What’s more, the same report found that the global games market will reach […]

Performance marketing

The Hidden Secrets To Improving Attribution Models

Attribution is one of the most heavily discussed and debated topics among digital marketers. Interestingly, a recent study conducted by eConsultancy found that only 54 percent of companies are yet using any form of marketing attribution. The reasons for this vary, and they range from staffing to cost to time. Add to that the complexities of […]

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