Scott Brinker

Scott Brinker


About Scott Brinker

Scott serves as the VP platform ecosystem at HubSpot. Previously, he was the co-founder and CTO of ion interactive.

Scott Brinker's latest articles

Marketing management

Where do you sit on the “martech is marketing” spectrum?

Customer expectations continue to rise. Senior-level marketers like you depend on marketing technology to meet and exceed those demands. As a result, the distinction between marketing and technology is… gone. Marketing is now a digital profession that is indistinguishably intertwined with and supported by marketing technology. In truth: Martech is marketing. Bold statement? You bet. […]

Customer experience

Meet Netflix, NPR, and The New York Times at MarTech

The New York Times, NPR, Adobe, JP Morgan Chase, Nordstrom, Netflix, and Zillow have all mastered the three pillars of martech success: marketing, technology, and management. And what’s more — they’re eager to share their knowledge, experiences, and lessons learned to help you overcome your own workplace challenges. Attend MarTech®, April 3-5 in San Jose. […]

Marketing management

Successful marketing teams tackle this challenge

Successful marketing teams are diverse. They include storytellers, project managers, operations, and technologists. Getting them on the same page can be a challenge for even the most experienced manager. That’s why you should bring your entire team to MarTech®, April 3-5 in San Jose. Here’s what your team will get: Case studies. Leading brands including […]

Customer experience

Agenda alert: Adobe is keynoting at MarTech!

We’re excited to announce a newly-confirmed keynote speaker! Join us for a candid keynote conversation to learn first-hand insights about how Adobe leverages marketing technology to accomplish their business goals. The complete agenda will be posted soon – stay tuned! Connect with Ann and your martech tribe April 3-5, 2019 in San Jose. Get all […]

Customer experience

Get your sneak peek at the MarTech agenda

Senior-level marketers at the intersection of marketing, technology, and management are coming to MarTech® April 3-5, 2019, in San Jose for proven strategies from real-world experts. Here’s a sneak peek: Tracks and topics that matter The grand vision of martech guides the creation of our agenda, with speakers and sessions like… “NextGen Marketing: How Artificial […]

Customer experience

MarTech kicks off in 2 weeks… will we see you there?

Discover, learn and connect with 1,300 marketers like you at MarTech®, October 1-3 in Boston. Attend 60 strategic presentations and keynotes, see 70+ leading martech vendors and be part of exclusive networking events. All you need is your passion for delivering exceptional results through software-powered marketing. See the complete MarTech agenda. The Expo Hall & […]

Customer experience

Discover the ‘new’ new rules of marketing

The pace of marketing innovation is accelerating. Some organizations keep up. Others… well, they’re a work in progress. Attend MarTech® October 1-3 in Boston for uncommon wisdom that ensures you overcome the contradictions of modern marketing. Here’s one of the themes we’ll explore in detail… The ‘new’ new rules of marketing In a recent chiefmartec […]

Customer experience

Know the facts (and avoid the myths) of martech

Splashy vendor-sponsored events have their place — if superficial celebrity keynotes and product roadmap presentations from the CEO are your thing. But what you don’t get is unvarnished access to what really matters: the good, the bad and the ugly of procuring, implementing and operating marketing technology solutions. And that’s what you really want, right? […]

Marketing management

Expect only the best at MarTech next month

MarTech® is coming to San Jose, California, next month, and we have a pretty amazing lineup of marketing experts, executives and seasoned practitioners who will show you how they use marketing technology. Join us April 23-25, and you’ll learn from their real-world experiences: How does a major brand like T-Mobile synchronize digital and physical marketing? How […]

Customer experience

What to expect at MarTech? Here’s our epic preview

I have an allergy to hype. I know, that’s an unfortunate condition given that I’m in the field of marketing technology. It’s like being a lactose-intolerant maitre fromager. Luckily, the symptoms are relatively mild — mostly involuntary rolling of the eyes and rapid finger-twitching on the delete key. But I also have an addiction — I […]

Customer experience

Time is almost up. Attend MarTech at the lowest price possible – don’t miss out!

Don’t miss the only MarTech on the East Coast this year! Check out my hand-crafted agenda featuring 30+ sessions and 40 marketing superstars: See the agenda at a glance here. Register before Saturday for an All Access Pass and pay $400 less compared to on-site rates. You’ll get access to all conference presentations, networking activities and an expo hall full of leading solution […]

Customer experience

Attend MarTech at the lowest price possible. Register now!

The excitement in today’s software driven world is in the entanglement of marketing, technology and management. And we’ll unleash the power, possibilities and passion of the marketing technology community at MarTech October 2-4 in Boston. I’m humbled by the incredible cast of speakers who have agreed to participate; each a bona fide superstar marketing executive, practitioner or thought leader. See […]

Customer experience

[FIRST LOOK] MarTech agenda is live!

I’m excited to share the MarTech agenda, featuring more than 30 sessions and presentations from 40 marketing leaders. If you’re passionate about marketing, technology and management practices that deliver business results, then you won’t want to miss this event, October 2-4 in Boston. The conference program focuses on the three pillars of martech success: marketing, […]

Customer experience

Pioneering CMOs discuss the future at MarTech

I’m super excited to highlight some of our featured speakers presenting at MarTech, October 2-4 in Boston. It’s an all-star line up of pioneering CMOs and marketing visionaries. The advent of marketing automation 10 years ago was arguably the Big Bang of martech. For the first time ever, the former CMOs of the three companies that led […]

Customer experience

Meet Aetna CMO David Edelman at MarTech in Boston

I am thrilled that one of the pioneers of marketing-led digital transformation will be keynoting at MarTech! Former McKinsey consultant and current Aetna CMO David Edelman will talk about his experiences helping dozens of leading brands rethink marketing in a digital world. He’ll also discuss leading Aetna’s digital transformation and customer experience pivot. Don’t miss […]

Customer experience

MarTech is coming! MarTech is coming! To Boston Oct. 2-4

Earlier this month, we wrapped up the West Coast edition of MarTech. The conference kicked off with the Stackies, an awards ceremony celebrating exceptional illustrations of marketing technology stacks from companies like Microsoft, Cisco and many more. I also unveiled the 2017 edition of the Marketing Technology Landscape, which now includes a whopping 5,381 solutions, up […]

Customer experience

Separate marketing technology fact from fiction at MarTech Conference in 2 weeks

We’re two weeks away from the MarTech Conference in San Francisco, May 9-11 — the world’s largest independent marketing technology conference designed for senior-level marketers and technologists. I stress the the word independent because unlike most of the big marketing events these days that are run by Adobe, HubSpot, IBM, Marketo, Oracle, Salesforce, or alliances of smaller vendors, MarTech is produced […]

Customer experience

MarTech beta rates expire this week – reserve your seat now

Attend MarTech San Francisco May 9-11 for 70+ presentations, 100+ speakers, 100+ exhibitors and sponsors and networking with 2,500 martech professionals. My hand-crafted agenda is a master class in marketing, technology and management topics. You’ll be joining attendees and speakers from top brands including: Rates increase Saturday These incredibly low rates are available for only a […]

Customer experience

4 reasons you should attend MarTech this May

Successful organizations repeat and improve upon what works. And while last year’s MarTech San Francisco was a hit, it’s our job to find ways to improve the experience and bring more value to attendees with every new show. Here are 4 reasons you should join us this May 9-11 in San Francisco: 1. Dramatically expanded […]

Customer experience

Master modern marketing technology leadership over 3 intense days

We’re only 7 weeks away from the MarTech conference in San Francisco, May 9-11. This will be the biggest and best one yet, with 70+ sessions, 100+ speakers, 100+ exhibitors and sponsors, and 2,500+ marketing and marketing technology leaders gathering together to meet, learn, and be inspired by each other. If you’re working the intersection of marketing, technology, […]

Customer experience

Do you have the martech knowledge you need?

Albert Einstein said “The only source of knowledge is experience.” Seems the martech challenges we face prove Einstein correct yet again. Matching practical experience with the right strategy, talent and organization makes the difference between leaders and stragglers in our software-powered marketing world. Where are you on that continuum? Take our quiz and find out […]

Customer experience

The year in review: Top 5 MarTech insights and showstoppers

As we turn our eyes towards the new year and the next MarTech conference we have much to reflect on. The pace of change and adoption of marketing technologies continues to accelerate. And more than ever, marketing technology is playing a critical role in this time of massive upheaval and digital disruption. “Technology changes exponentially, […]

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