No Address? No Ratings For You! Facebook Ratings Axed For Pages Without A Physical Location

Facebook page managers may notice an absence of stars when viewing their Facebook pages today. Those Pages without a physical address have lost their page ratings. According to Inside Facebook, the Pages without a defined location will no longer show rating stars to visitors. About the decision, Facebook chimed in: “We’re focused on ratings and […]

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Facebook page managers may notice an absence of stars when viewing their Facebook pages today. Those Pages without a physical address have lost their page ratings.


According to Inside Facebook, the Pages without a defined location will no longer show rating stars to visitors. About the decision, Facebook chimed in: “We’re focused on ratings and reviews for places right now.”

So, if you’ve lost your Page ratings yet aren’t signed up as a ‘Local Business’ with a physical address don’t fret. It’s nothing you’ve done, just a change to the system that will be putting an onus on ranking brick and mortars.

For more information see InsideFacebook and the Help Center.

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About the author

Greg Finn
Greg Finn is the Director of Marketing for Cypress North, a company that provides world-class social media and search marketing services and web & application development. He has been in the Internet marketing industry for 10+ years and specializes in Digital Marketing. You can also find Greg on Twitter (@gregfinn) or LinkedIn.

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