From algorithms to advertising: 7 steps to introducing AI to marketing
Contributor Tomer Naveh provides a simplified look at how artificial intelligence (AI) is applied to automate digital marketing programs from start to finish.
Tomer Naveh leads planning and development of Albert™, the first-ever fully autonomous artificial intelligence marketing platform, created by Adgorithms. Tomer’s approach to developing Albert was to “reverse engineer the logic and intuition” of marketers, account managers, and all others responsible for day-to-day digital advertising and marketing campaigns. From there, he and his team built an AI solution that eliminates the silo’d approach characteristic of a multi-person or multi-technology digital marketing program. Instead, Albert approaches campaigns from a holistic vantage point where insights gained on one channel or device, are autonomously applied to other channels or devices in real-time -- all with little to no intervention from marketers, aside from providing their upfront creative, KPIs and targets. Tomer has 23 years of experience in software development, and over 20 years of big data and machine learning experience, including 16 years in consulting and executive management.
Contributor Tomer Naveh provides a simplified look at how artificial intelligence (AI) is applied to automate digital marketing programs from start to finish.
Tomer Naveh | Mar 2, 2017 at 1:00 pm ET