Report: 2.5X More App Installs On Christmas With Apple Device Activations Accounting For 51%
For every Samsung device activated on Christmas, Apple activated 2.9 devices. App installs were 150% higher on Christmas as well, according to Flurry.
Flurry released their holiday statistics on the number of App installations and new device activations by manufacturer. In short, Apple devices made up 51.3% of all new mobile device activations between December 19 through the 25th, which is the holiday of Hanukkah through Christmas. Samsung devices followed Apple with 17.7%, then Nokia with 5.8%, Sony with 1.6% and LG with 1.4%.
So for every Samsung activation, Apple activated 2.9 devices.
App installations spiked 150% on Christmas day compared to the December 1 through December 21st time period. On average, 2.5 more apps were installed on Christmas day than on the average day the rest of the month according to Flurry.
Also, 13% of new device activations were phablets compared to just 4% in 2013. The iPhone 6+ was one of the top five devices, with the iPhone 6 being the number on device by activation.
App developers should take note of these stats. Here are some charts:
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