Samsung Drives Nearly 60 Percent Of Android Traffic

According to new data from ad network Chitika, Samsung Galaxy devices are responsible for almost 60 percent of North American Android traffic (smartphones + tablets). Traffic from all other Android OEM brands is flat or declining except for LG, which has seen success with its G3 flagship smartphone. Chitika looked at “hundreds of millions of […]

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According to new data from ad network Chitika, Samsung Galaxy devices are responsible for almost 60 percent of North American Android traffic (smartphones + tablets). Traffic from all other Android OEM brands is flat or declining except for LG, which has seen success with its G3 flagship smartphone.

Chitika looked at “hundreds of millions of U.S. and Canadian smartphone- and tablet-based online ad impressions” on its ad network to develop this report. in the chart below Amazon’s share is largely Kindle Fire tablets. Its Fire Phone has not sold well to date.

Chitika Android traffic

According to the most recent comScore smartphone data, LG is the number two Android OEM in the US market after Samsung. The latter has a 29 percent of the US market, while LG has 6.7 percent. The iPhone, by comparison, has 42 percent marketshare according to comScore. The comScore data reflect handset penetration not mobile web traffic.

Chitika also said that smartphones were responsible for 81 percent of total North American Android traffic, while tablets drove 19 percent.

Chitika Android traffic

Despite its Android platform/OS share majority, the Chitika data show that Android devices drive a proportionally smaller 35 percent share of overall web traffic vs. iOS devices, which are responsible for 65 percent. By comparison, StatCounter shows iOS devices (including tablets) generating 59 percent of North American web traffic vs. Android with 36 percent.

Chitika Android vs. iOS traffic

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About the author

Greg Sterling
Greg Sterling is a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land, a member of the programming team for SMX events and the VP, Market Insights at Uberall.

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