More from MarTech: Page 4

Customer experience

Survey: 71 Percent Browse Retail Apps Before Buying In-Stores

Retailers as a group haven’t figured out how apps fit into their larger strategies, despite all the “omnichannel” rhetoric to the contrary. To date, retail apps have mostly been treated as small-screen versions of ecommerce desktop sites with some “circular” content (e.g., offers) thrown in. Yet apps have the potential to become the center of a more powerful […]

Performance marketing

Ad-Blocking Report: Nearly 200 Million Users, $22 Billion In Lost Ad Revenue

Ad-blocking software, once thought to be a relatively small-scale phenomenon, is apparently rapidly going mainstream. According to a new report from Adobe and PageFair — an Irish company founded in 2012 that “measure[s] the cost of adblocking and display[s] alternative non-intrusive advertising to adblockers” — $21.8 billion in global ad revenues have been blocked/lost so […]

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